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Skip Bayless Bashes Mike McCarthy For Recent Comments

(Photo by Mike Ehrmann/Getty Images)


Dallas Cowboys head coach Mike McCarthy is in the news for the wrong reasons.

McCarthy comes from a Super Bowl pedigree from his glory days with the Green Bay Packers.

The Packers fired McCarthy after years of shortcomings and head-scratching decision-making.

Then, Jerry Jones thought he was the right guy to lead his project after Jason Garrett’s infamous tenure.

Fast forward to today, and it doesn’t seem like McCarthy has learned from his previous mistakes.

If anything, he’s once again making it all about himself with his latest comments on Kellen Moore.

It became evident that McCarthy and his former Offensive Coordinator — whom he inherited from the Garrett administration — didn’t see eye-to-eye most of the time.

But taking shots at Moore after he was let go by the team was quite low, even for him.

It was so low that even Skip Bayless, a guy who’s made a living out of taking unjustified and uncalled shots at countless people, was livid at McCarthy.

“I believe he’s a fraudulent Head Coach who’s nothing but a product of Brett Favre and then Aaron Rodgers,” Bayless said. “Why in the world would you need to take shots at Kellen Moore after you won the power struggle with him?”

.@RealSkipBayless reacts to Mike McCarthy calling out Kellen Moore’s offensive game plan:

— UNDISPUTED (@undisputed) March 3, 2023

That’s where we are at this point with Mike McCarthy.

He deserves plenty of praise and respect and recognition for what he accomplished more than a decade ago; no one can take that away from him.

But winning teams often have short memories, and holding on to these types of characters has been one of the main causes behind the failures of the Jerry Jones administration, at least when it comes to winning football games.

The post Skip Bayless Bashes Mike McCarthy For Recent Comments appeared first on The Cold Wire.




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