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/ 1 year agoA brief history of Dearborn, Michigan – the first Arab-American majority city in the US
The city often becomes a magnet for anti-Arab sentiment during election years and global conflicts; however, the more interesting story is...
/ 1 year agoCan anyone make a citizen’s arrest? The history and legalities of catching criminals yourself
Stopping someone against their will can be false imprisonment or even kidnapping. There are laws that determine who is acting as...
/ 1 year agoAre you seeing news reports of voting problems? 4 essential reads on election disinformation
Scholars discuss aspects of protecting election integrity in the face of efforts to cast aspersions on voting results.
/ 1 year agoLorne Michaels, the man behind the curtain at ‘Saturday Night Live,’ has been minting comedy gold for nearly 50 years
The show has served as the nation’s laugh track for decades. Who will take over when he retires?
/ 1 year agoPakistan’s post-election crisis – how anti-army vote may deliver an unstable government that falls into the military’s hands
The PTI, the party of jailed former prime minister Imran Khan, won the most seats of any one party – but...
/ 1 year agoAtlantic Ocean is headed for a tipping point − once melting glaciers shut down the Gulf Stream, we would see extreme climate change within decades, study shows
Scientists now have a better understanding of the risks ahead and a new early warning signal to watch for.
/ 1 year agoDOJ funding pipeline subsidizes questionable big data surveillance technologies
Predictive policing has been a bust. The Department of Justice nurtured the technology from researchers’ minds to corporate production lines and...
/ 1 year agoAbout a third of employees have faced bullying at work – here’s how to recognize and deal with it
You’d call the police if a stranger in public did what many bullies at work get away with. 2 researchers who...
/ 1 year agoGeorge Gershwin’s ‘Rhapsody in Blue’ is a story of jazz, race and the fraught notion of America’s melting pot
The work remains a crowd favorite. But more and more scholars are starting to see ‘Rhapsody’ as a whitewashed version of...
/ 1 year agoCould flag football one day leapfrog tackle football in popularity?
The NFL’s embrace of the sport points to a promising future. But gender and political divides could stand in the way.
/ 1 year agoThe divine matchmaker in Chinese mythology − Old Man Under the Moon − who helps couples find love
Young people in China are no longer settling into marriages arranged by their parents. But they are still looking for blessings...
/ 1 year agoPower outages leave poor communities in the dark longer: Evidence from 15M outages raises questions about recovery times
Researchers tracked power outages after 8 major storms to see how wealth corresponded to recovery time.
/ 1 year agoBiden’s ‘hard look’ at liquefied natural gas exports raises a critical question: How does natural gas fit with US climate goals?
The US, a minor liquefied natural gas supplier a decade ago, now is the world’s top source. That’s good for energy...
/ 1 year agoSynthetic human embryos let researchers study early development while sidestepping ethical and logistical hurdles
Early human development is a complex, multistep process that’s even more complicated to study in the lab. Models made from stem...
/ 1 year agoIndonesians head to polls amid concerns over declining democracy, election integrity and vote buying
As many as 204 million Indonesians are registered to vote in what will be the world’s largest single-day election in 2024.
/ 1 year agoSuper Bowl party foods can deliver political bite – choose wisely
Polarization invades parts of Americans’ lives that really aren’t political, dividing society more deeply. That includes decisions about whether or not...
/ 1 year agoMichigan mother convicted of manslaughter for school shootings by her son – after buying him a gun and letting him keep it unsecured
Jennifer Crumbley was found guilty for a school shooting committed by her son; the father faces trial next.
/ 1 year agoMore than 78 ‘friends’ of the Supreme Court offer advice on the 14th Amendment and Trump’s eligibility
34 groups filed briefs with the Supreme Court in favor of keeping Donald Trump on the ballot, 30 favored disqualifying him...
/ 1 year agoTrump was not king and can be prosecuted for crimes committed while president: Appeals court places limits on immunity
Donald Trump has claimed he is immune from prosecution for actions he took as part of his job as president. An...
/ 1 year agoDietary supplements and protein powders fall under a ‘wild west’ of unregulated products that necessitate caveats and caution
Although most Americans believe dietary supplements are safe, these products often make health claims that are unproven or downright false.