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/ 10 months agoCassava: The perilous past and promising future of a toxic but nourishing crop
Cassava’s many assets would seem to make it the ideal crop, except for one drawback: It’s highly poisonous. Human ingenuity has...
/ 10 months agoClimbers have turned Mount Everest into a high-altitude garbage dump, but sustainable solutions are within reach
Mountain tourism brings revenues to Nepal but leaves a mess behind. Local and international groups are offering new cleanup strategies.
/ 10 months agoThe power of touch is vital for both reading and writing
When asked, students say that touch is important in developing reading and writing skills. Research backs them up.
/ 10 months agoElectric air taxis are on the way – quiet eVTOLs may be flying passengers as early as 2025
The development of air taxis is being driven by a blend of visionary entrepreneurship and technological advancements spurred by the electric...
/ 10 months agoNew EPA regulations target air, water, land and climate pollution from power plants, especially those that burn coal
Lawsuits are inevitable, but an environmental lawyer explains why the EPA’s new power plant regulations are on solid ground.
/ 10 months agoGen Zers and millennials are still big fans of books – even if they don’t call themselves ‘readers’
It turns out that identifying as a reader can be more about community, wealth and gender than how much someone actually...
/ 10 months ago‘It’s a deep emotional ride’ – 12 young people in Philly’s toughest neighborhoods explain how violence disrupts their physical and mental health
A social science researcher followed a dozen teens from different neighborhoods in North, West and Northeast Philadelphia, tracking their family histories...
/ 10 months agoThird parties will affect the 2024 campaigns, but election laws written by Democrats and Republicans will prevent them from winning
The Democrats and Republicans try to keep them off the ballot. But third-party campaigns can inject new ideas and force major...
/ 10 months ago‘What is a fact?’ A humanities class prepares STEM students to be better scientists
A professor shows science students how humanities classes are the real stem that other disciplines sprout from. They learn that critical...
/ 10 months agoElectric vehicles are usually safer for their occupants – but not necessarily for everyone else
EV fires make headlines, but they don’t tell the full story of EV safety. The real threat isn’t combustion, it’s weight.
/ 10 months agoSourdough under the microscope reveals microbes cultivated over generations
You can thank yeast and bacteria for the distinctive taste and smell of the oldest leavened bread in history.
/ 10 months agoUS long-term care costs are sky-high, but Washington state’s new way to help pay for them could be nixed
What happens in November 2024 could influence other states weighing their own options.
/ 10 months agoHow famines are formed: In Gaza and elsewhere, an underlying pattern that can lead to hunger and death
In Gaza, Sudan, Haiti and elsewhere around the globe, famine affects increasing numbers of people.
/ 10 months agoInternational prosecution of Israeli or Hamas leaders wouldn’t bring quick justice − and even bringing them to court will be difficult
Prosecuting leaders indicted for war crimes is difficult. But the trial of Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic in the early 2000s offers...
/ 10 months agoTeens see social media algorithms as accurate reflections of themselves, study finds
Adolescents treat ‘for you’ algorithms as a social mirror and are willing to give up privacy to use it.
/ 10 months agoGreater Detroit is becoming more diverse and less segregated – but Asians and Hispanics increasingly live in their own neighborhoods
Detroit is one of the country’s most segregated regions, but census data shows how that’s changing in both the city and...
/ 10 months agoJapan’s diplomatic charm offensive in US aims to keep Washington in committed relationship
Meetings with Joe Biden and Donald Trump suggest Japan is hedging over the outcome of the US election.
/ 10 months agoMidwest tornadoes: What a decaying El Niño has to do with violent storms in the central US
A powerful storm system produced dozens of destructive tornadoes over three days that tore apart homes in Oklahoma, Nebraska and Iowa....
/ 10 months agoWhy are some people faster than others? 2 exercise scientists explain the secrets of running speed
Your sprinting skills have a lot to do with genetics, but your brain also plays a big role.
/ 10 months agoGhosted, orbited, breadcrumbed? A psychotherapist breaks down some perils of digital dating and how to cope
Online dating has its own jargon. But the feelings involved are nothing new.