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/ 10 months agoHouston area’s flood problems offer lessons for cities trying to adapt to a changing climate
Too much pavement and old drainage systems are just two of the problems communities face.
/ 10 months agoMedia coverage of campus protests tends to focus on the spectacle, rather than the substance
Analysis shows news stories on pro-Palestinian demonstrations at US universities spiked when they involved clashes.
/ 10 months agoWhat’s in a VIN? How to decode the vehicle identification number, your car’s unique fingerprint
VINs can tell a story if you know what to look for.
/ 10 months agoAnimal behavior research is getting better at keeping observer bias from sneaking in – but there’s still room to improve
Like all people, the way scientists see the world is shaped by biases and expectations, which can affect how they record...
/ 10 months agoA look inside the cyberwar between Israel and Hamas reveals the civilian toll
The consequences of cyber conflict are primarily felt by civilians, who call for retaliation, fueling cycles of violence.
/ 10 months agoOn its 125th anniversary, W.E.B. Du Bois’ ‘The Philadelphia Negro’ offers lasting lessons on gentrification in Philly’s historically Black neighborhoods
Du Bois’ study, published in 1899, detailed the social conditions of poor Black residents of the Seventh Ward. The area is...
/ 10 months agoSupporting ‘democracy’ is hard for many who feel government and the economy are failing them
One-third of Americans think that “rule by a strong leader or the military would be a good way of governing their...
/ 10 months agoMany immigrants to the US are fleeing violence and persecution − here’s how the federal government can help cities absorb them
People who enter the US as refugees or with asylum generally adapt quickly and become productive members of society. But cities...
/ 10 months agoWhat Shakespeare can teach us about racism
Considered the greatest writer in English literature, William Shakespeare illustrates views on race and whiteness throughout all of his dramatic works.
/ 10 months agoAs humans, we all want self-respect – and keeping that in mind might be the missing ingredient when you try to change someone’s mind
People deeply want to believe they are good, reasonable and worthy. A little humility and curiosity can go a long way...